Friday, June 06, 2008

May Monthly Report

Hurricane season has begun! May flowers bloomed, just as CREW has this month!

We continue to help the clients still struggling in FEMA trailers. We did attend public meeting with City, trailer park owners and residents living in FEMA trailers (most who do not have applications with CREW) and encouraged those residents to apply with us. Only 3 of these 21 families have come in to apply. The City has agreed to fund the three clients we had been discussing with them, paying the contractor directly. We are just waiting for this process to be completed.

Volunteers continue to be our greatest resource. On May 3, 2008, Eastlake United Methodist Church from Palm Harbor, Florida came and worked on tearing out some damaged vinyl flooring and replacing it. This group also repaired some drywall in the bathroom. The group consisted of 6 men and 1 woman. The group arrived on Friday night and stayed at the First United Methodist Church of Clewiston. They worked all day on Saturday and were able to complete the entire drywall repair and half of the flooring. The group ranged in age from 56 to 84. All were Caucasian except one male who is Indian. The group donated a total of 48 hours.

On May 21, 2008 we had two ladies from Largo, Florida come and help with finishing some of the drywall at Pamela Hopper’s home. These two ladies worked all day on Thursday and managed to get a lot of the finishing completed and another coat of compound spread on the drywall. These two ladies were both in their 50’s and were Caucasian. They were housed at the Calvary Baptist Church Parrish and were fed Wednesday night by the First United Methodist Church. These two ladies donated a total of 16 hours.

On May 22, 2008 CREW had its monthly Long Term Recovery Meeting and had 6 volunteers consisting of 3 men and 3 women attend. These volunteers gave an hour each of their time. They ranged in age from 24 to 62. The group was fed a meal by the Hendry Regional Medical Center. The group donated 6 total hours.
We had individual volunteer do 6 assessments for CREW he donated 3 hours on May 28, 2008 and 3 hours on May 29, 2008, for a total of 6 hours.

Total hours donated: 76 Total In Kind donations: $1425.00
Total in kind donated from the churches for meals and housing and meeting room: $256.00

As of May 31st, we have 72 cases that have been assigned to case mangers who have updated recovery plans, 61 of these are in Hendry County, 11 in Glades. 22 cases are assigned a case manager and are pending documentation from the client before they can be officially opened, 19 of these are in Hendry County, 2 in Glades.

We were able to successfully close 4 cases in Hendry County with all of the clients’ needs being met. There are no unassigned cases in either county. We have referred 13 cases to Centro Campesino this month, 10 from Hendry and 3 from Glades.

Total overall open cases: 72 Total pending documentation: 19

As for the Mitigation program, 78 homes have been mitigated. There are 14 clients in progress with our current contractor Alufab. Only 3 more clients are awaiting inspection reports from the state. A total of $208,894.40 has been spent in our effort to complete 100 homes in the Hendry and Glades County areas. There have been several instances where progress was stagnated and problems occurred. VFF will no longer coordinate the mitigation program, which results in a deadline of June 30, 2008 for all homes to be completed. The Department of Financial Services will be assuming all duties of the Mitigation Program therefore CREW does not know what new changes will come into affect. CREW will continue in its effort to mitigate 100 or more homes in the Hendry and Glades Counties.

Our LTRO (Long Term Recovery Organization) and Unmet Needs meeting is on the 4th Thursdays of the month. There were no new cases to present. We reviewed 35 cases, most of which we are either awaiting volunteers, funding or both. 4 cases were closed at this meeting.

Our Board of Directors meeting is on the Monday of the prior week. We did not meet this month, as we did not have quorum.

Grants were submitted to CVS and the Shell Foundation; one should not expect good results, but hope for them. Both of these agencies will usually only fund Global charities.

We also lost our web site this month. This happens as we don’t pay for it. Trish will look about this month and see about creating one on another free site, perhaps My Space, there is a great area for non-profits there.

Trish was re-elected to serve as an officer of Florida VOAD at the Governor’s Conference. All of the staff rolled up their sleeves and re-organized and inventoried the shed this month. Trish and Renee attended the 16th annual VOAD conference in Little Rock, Arkansas where they received training on a variety of issues related to our LTRO, as well as meeting contacts from which we can get more volunteers and possible sources of funding. They also attended the Florida Governor’s Hurricane Conference in Ft. Lauderdale the following week. Trish participated in the Untied Way’s Allocation process for Hendry and Glades Counties this month as well.

Our beginning balance this month was $55,880.07. We brought in $63,301.12 and spent $50,608.32. it should be noted however that these amounts have yet to be reconciled by accountant.

Balances for various accounts as of April 30th are as follows:

  • $4,113.06 2nd annual fundraiser (all monies in, we can not revert to general)
  • -$2,756.57 CRWRC (this needs to be zeroed out using general funds)
  • $5,759.79 general funds
  • $24,376.71 mitigation
  • -$412.80 PDA Administrative funds (waiting on check)
  • $1,719.80 PDA Volunteer Coordinator funds
  • $51,921.25 UMCOR Clewiston
  • $4,699.56 UMCOR Moorehaven


We need volunteers who can help repair homes, but also need volunteers to assist in the office, as well to help work booths at the upcoming fairs and festivals throughout Hendry and Glades Counties. We are currently in need of a shredder that can handle the amount of shredding necessary to keep our clients information confidential. We desperately need a shredder and a volunteer to help shred the backload of paperwork, since our shredder died.

You can also help by simply shopping through the iGive portal and registering CREW as your charity of choice. Simply visit the link below to do so.

Donations can be sent to 352 W. Arcade Ave., Clewiston, Florida 33440. We are a registered non-profit and donations are tax deductible. Call Renee to volunteer at (863) 983-2390.

Visit our blog site to learn more about what we are up to and to see pictures.

Please feel free to check out our calendar of events to see when volunteers are coming and find out what our staff members are up to!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Glades County Firefighter Rocks!

Local Forestry Firefighter Wins National Award

Glades County– Senior Ranger Danny Callahan has been honored for his distinguished service in wildland fire prevention. Callahan took home the 2007 Robert E. Browning Award, which is given by the US Forest Service Southern Region and is the only national award of its kind. The award is named for the late Robert E. Browning, who gave his life on Storm King Mountain in Colorado. Browning was one of 14 firefighters, and the only Southerner, killed during a blowup of the fire on July 6, 1994. This fire is considered to be one of the “greatest tragedies in the annals of firefighting.”

The Browning Award is given annually to the person who has done an outstanding job with prevention activities during the course of the year. “Danny is most deserving of this honor,” says Jim Rath, Okeechobee District Manager. “Danny shows exemplary leadership in promoting and developing community relationships. He also is a great leader in forging partnerships with other agencies to accomplish fire prevention efforts.”

Danny Callahan said, “I was shocked when I found out that I was nominated. I’m most grateful for this recognition, and I’d like to thank everyone for their support because this award belongs to the residents of Glades County. I really believe that fire prevention can save lives and homes.” Danny Callahan received a statue and a certificate in recognition of his achievement.

Picture: from Right to Left: Ira Jolly- Chief of Forest Protection, Danny Callahan- Glades County Senior Ranger, Jim Rath- Okeechobee District Manager & Tim Elder- Highlands/Glades Forest Area Supervisor

Anyone needing additional information may contact the local Division of Forestry at 772-260-0053
(St. Lucie, Indian River, Martin, Okeechobee Counties) 863-655-6407 (Highlands and Glades Counties).
Please visit our website at

Friday, May 23, 2008

April Monthly Report

April showers brought new opportunities and the promise of a wonderful Spring and Summer.

Although we are no longer funded to help with the FEMA close out project, we have continued to help these clients. We are still trying to find funding for three clients we had hoped to get from the City but have been unable to do so. Board Members are following through with this with the City, and Trish is following up with FEMA.

On April 6, 2008, Amelia Charge United Methodist Church came from Amelia, Virginia to work on the rebuild for P. Hopper. This group hung all of the drywall in the house and donated $800.00 to pay someone to do the finish work on the drywall. This group also worked on repairing some ceiling drywall for B. Jarmillo, they replaced the trim throughout the living room, bedroom and hallway. This group also worked at B. West’s home laying carpet in her granddaughter’s room and trim work throughout the house. They also painted the ceilings and installed flooring in the bathroom. This group consisted of 23 adults ranging in age from 45 to 84. The group also had a volunteer who donated over 100 gallons of paint to CREW to use for two of these clients as well as any other clients who need the paint.

On April 19, 2008 we had 12 volunteers from VAMO United Methodist Church come from Sarasota, Florida, to work for R. Vega and finish up the ceiling repair that was needed. The group sent 4 volunteers to hang drywall for Mr. Vega and his family. Three other members of this group worked on tearing up damaged flooring and installing new flooring for B. Jarmillo. Four other members worked with CREW employees at the Sugar Festival Booth, helping to promote raffle tickets and hand out information. This group consisted of volunteers ranging in age from 52 to 78 years of age.

Also, on April 19, 2008 we had 3 local volunteers come and help with the Sugar Festival Booth. They worked all day helping to promote raffle tickets and hand out information. These volunteers ranged in age from 17 to 49.

On April 24, 2008 CREW had its 2nd Annual Fundraiser and had 6 local volunteers come and help with cooking, serving and clean up. These volunteers worked all day and were a great help in making the fundraiser the success that it was. This group ranged in age from 36 to 61 years of age.

Total hours donated: 1102 Total In Kind donations: $20,662.50
Total in kind donated from the churches for meals and housing and meeting room: $361.00

As of April 30th, 57 cases have been assigned to case managers. In Hendry County 47 cases have been assigned to case managers who have updated recovery plans in all of these cases. There are 17 cases assigned to a case manager that are pending documentation before they are officially opened. In Glades County, 10 cases have been assigned to case managers and 7 of these have updated recovery plans completed. There are 3 cases assigned to a case manager that are pending documentation before they are officially opened. We had no new cases this month, but expect new ones next month from Fairgrounds Mobile Home Park.

In April 11 cases were closed. Two were because all repairs were made. Two were because of failure of client to agree to complete plan. One was at the client’s request. One was due to damages not being disaster related. Another was referred to SHIP.

To date we have referred 8 of the open cases in Hendry County and 2 in Glades to Centro Campesino.

We currently has 2 full-time and 1 half-time case manager that are reviewing case information. Case managers are contacting clients to get needed documentation as quickly as possible.

We are currently in need of a shredder that can handle the amount of shredding necessary to keep our clients information confidential.

Total overall open cases: 67 Total pending documentation: 20

Reporting for the month of April there are a total of 102 clients entered into the Hurricane Relief Database. Of those 102 clients 66 are complete. There are 21clients in progress with our current contractor Alufab. Only 13 more clients are awaiting inspection reports. A total of $208,894.40 has been spent in our effort to complete 100 homes in the Hendry and Glades County areas. There have been several instances where progress was stagnated and problems occurred. VFF will no longer coordinate the mitigation program, which results in a deadline of June 30, 2008 for all homes to be completed. The Department of Financial Services will be assuming all duties of the Mitigation Program therefore CREW does not know what new changes will come into affect. CREW will continue in its effort to mitigate 100 or more homes in the Hendry and Glades Counties.

Now that the program will be ending soon there has not been much advertisement, but applications are still being accepted and clients are being made aware of changes in the program. All applications received will be placed in a pending file until further instruction is given about the Mitigation Program.

Our LTRO (Long Term Recovery Organization) and Unmet Needs meeting is on the 4th Thursdays of the month. We presented three new cases. We reviewed 33 cases, most of which we are either awaiting volunteers, funding or both. 11 cases were closed at this meeting.

Our Board of Directors meeting is on the Monday of the prior week. Both meetings are held at Hendry Regional Medical Center. This month we met and set prices for the tickets for the fundraiser.

Grants were submitted to Home Depot and Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church Storm Recovery Center. We heard back that we did not receive the Home Depot Grant or the grant from CRWRC, but we did receive the UMC grant which will fund a case manager through the end of the year, as well as fund the materials needed to complete three homes.

Trish did presentations about CREW to the United Methodist Women from the First United Methodist Church of Moorehaven this month, from which we received donations. She also attended planning sessions with The United Way of Lee, Hendry and Glades and a “Keys to Success” Seminar. Our staff worked a booth at the Sugar Festival, raising funds for the big fundraiser we held this month with donated items from Wal-Mart ($1000.00). Both Anthony and Trish participated in Conference Calls with Volunteer Florida Foundation regarding changes in the administration of the My Safe Florida Home Grant Funds. Trish also began negotiations with them regarding expanding this into the future year and possibly into Lee County. Trish also participated in conference call as part of the executive team of the Florida VOAD this month and will be running for office again for in May at the Governor’s Conference.

CREW held their yearly fundraiser this month, a bar-b-que and silent auction. We raised $4,113.06 (this is after costs of the fundraiser were taken out). We had several in kind donations such as 13 desserts for $130.00 and several silent auction items valued at $1,500.00. A to Z Discount Beverage donated $100.00 worth of sodas and water for the event. In addition, volunteers cooked and prepared the food for the event, helped with set up and clean up, and The First United Methodist Church of Clewiston donated space and facilities to pull off the event.

Our beginning balance this month was $79,318.87. We brought in $60,418.47 and spent $83,857.27. Our balance at the end of the month was $66,303.69. We have $10,423.62 in outstanding checks, leaving us with a balance of $55,880.07.

Balances for various accounts as of April 30th are as follows:
ü $124.06 2nd annual fundraiser (checks had not yet been deposited)
ü -$2,756.57 CRWRC (this needs to be zeroed out using general funds)
ü $5,510.45 general funds
ü $917.34 mitigation
ü $458.36 PDA Administrative funds
ü $1,894.01 PDA Volunteer Coordinator funds
ü $58,512.23 UMCOR Clewiston
ü $9,142.46 UMCOR Moorehaven

We need volunteers who can help repair homes, but also need volunteers to assist in the office, as well to help work booths at the upcoming fairs and festivals throughout Hendry and Glades Counties. We are currently in need of a shredder that can handle the amount of shredding necessary to keep our clients information confidential. We desperately need a shredder and a volunteer to help shred the backload of paperwork, since our shredder died.
You can also help by simply shopping through the iGive portal and registering CREW as your charity of choice. Simply visit the link below to do so.

Donations can be sent to 352 W. Arcade Ave., Clewiston, Florida 33440. We are a registered non-profit and donations are tax deductible. Call Renee to volunteer at (863) 983-2390.

Visit our blog site to learn more about what we are up to and to see pictures.

Please feel free to check out our calendar of events to see when volunteers are coming and find out what our staff members are up to!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Quarterly Report for CREW

v We said good bye to 3 staff members who we lost funding for this quarter
v Board elections were held and CREW has a new Board of Directors
v Grants ending
v In-kind material donations, meals and housing totaling $3,137
v Volunteer hours donated totaling $84,023.47
v Mitigation entered 100 clients eligible for services
v Met with new County Building Inspector
v Build Your Mission training put on by Volunteer Florida Foundation and the Florida Institute of Government
v Love Rocks fundraiser for Untied Way in Labelle at the Barron House


Staff changes: We have said good bye to Amanda, our part time case manger, she continues her work with The Empowerment Alliance of South West Florida. In addition, our Executive Director has gone to part time also working part time for The United Way of Lee, Hendry and Glades, although so far still spends 90% of her time dedicated to CREW.

Pastor Thom Street of First United Methodist Church in Moorehaven is our new Board President. He has formerly served as our Glades County Representative. He also oversees the Glades county part of our UMCOR funds. Pastor Angel Ramos of the Community Presbyterian Church is our new Vice President. He previously served as our President. He also represents us and assists us with the funds we receive from PDA. Scott Jones, a civil engineer for Johnson and Prewitt continues to serve as our Treasurer. We welcome Sarah Hammock, who has a degree in Accounting and will be running the new Glades County First Bank when it opens will serve as our Secretary. We also welcome Craig Cudworth, CEO of Hendry Regional Medical Center to our Board as well. He brings a wealth of experience to the table. We are sorry to say good bye to Pastor David McClusky, who in addition to being the new pastor at Calvary Baptist in Clewiston, also serves as the education coordinator for Hendry Regional Medical Center.

The partnership between Means to Recovery (Red Cross) has come to a close. The Red Cross has directly assisted 23 of clients for a total of $203,060.20. One of our UMCOR/Florida Conference of United Methodist Church Storm Recovery grants has come to a close.

Since March of last year, C.R.E.W. has been working with FEMA, Hendry County, and the City of Clewiston to find suitable housing solutions for FEMA clients still housed in FEMA units as of April 24, 2004. I felt it necessary to note the following totals to show how many different agencies have contributed to families in FEMA trailer that are working with CREW. These numbers represent goods and services paid for by these agencies for direct assistance to the families in an effort to move from FEMA temporary housing to permanent solutions. Note these amounts do not include money for staff or costs of case managing all these cases. The money noted below is only for direct good and services to provide permanent housing solcutions.
Hendry County $318,842.77 Glades $6862.57
v Red Cross Means to Recovery Program $156,492.58
v CRWRC $60,692.21 $4023.01
v UCC $6,222.50 $900
v VFF $49,155.39
v Rotary $9,233.86
v Catholic Charities $4472.99 $1789.56
v UMCOR $7776.38
v Empowerment Alliance $4750.80
v Good Shepherd Lutheran $2,750.00
v NFL/United Way $15,242.11
v Grace United Methodist Church $200
v First United Methodist Church of Clewiston $778.95
v Other private donors $1075.00
v United Way of Lee Hendry and Glades $150

This month we met with Hendry County’s new building inspector, Bob Ott. It was wonderful to meet him and he provided CREW with some great resources, and we look forward to working with him this year. CREW participated in many community events including Build Your Mission training put on by Volunteer Florida Foundation and the Florida Institute of Government, as well as staff meetings at the United Way in Ft. Myers. Trish assisted the United Way booth and provided them with CREW Flyers at the Swamp Cabbage Festival. Trish also submitted a grant request for $5000 to The Home Depot. Hilda attended the Small Business forum where owners were to discuss commercial insurance and the nuts and bolts of it hosted by Regional Director of the Florida Department of Financial Services, Mr. John Fischer. Trish also participated in Conference calls with VFF and Florida VOAD. Trish picked up donated mattress and box spring this month from a local “snow bird” couple that is old friends of CREW. Trish also assisted in preparation for and implementation of the Love Rocks fundraiser for Untied Way in Labelle at the Barron House, and donated left over orange juice from the event to the local First United Methodist Church in Clewiston. CREW presented 14 new cases, and provided updates on 33 cases at our Unmet Needs Meeting. We have continued to work with the Family Services Network for our two counties. This month, our Director and shared employee with United Way met with First United Methodist Church in Moorehaven and a representative of Harry Chapin Food Bank to see how we could help those needing food in Glades County and to discuss the possibility of expanding the churches current program. Our Director also did two presentations for the Southwest District of the United Methodist Women about CREW and raised $175.00 in doing so. Our director also met with Susan J. Meister, of Gulf Coast Communications for UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief). She has been writing for the agencies newsletter Bright Spots about the damage from Katrina and Rita, but came and interviewed us and many of our clients and we look forward to reading her article on Our director also met with CRWRC (Christian Reformed World Relief Church) volunteers who are working in Belle Glade and Pahokee, for a neighboring LTRO, this month for dinner for which the First United Methodist of Church of Clewiston hosted them. Furthermore, our director served as a volunteer for the Homeless Coalition, assisting them in completing Point- In-Time surveys on the homeless with the Hendry County SHIP coordinator and Empowerment Alliance of SW Florida staff. Trish and Renee attended the Disaster Donations Management Training, Florida VOAD Meeting and ESF 15 Coordinators Meeting in Tallahassee this month. Trish, along with the other officers of the Florida VOAD received a plaque of appreciate from Alex Amparo, Director of Emergency Management from Volunteer Florida and the State Emergency Response Team (SERT). While their, Trish was also able to present some appreciation awards that we have been holding on to for a while to Danielle Kearney from Lutheran Disaster Resources Reverend Karen Thomas from the United Church of Christ. During this time, back in Clewiston, Imelda attended the local Family Services Network meeting and Anthony traveled to Ft. Myers to attend a meeting for agencies requesting funding from the United Way. Trish also attended a United Way of Lee, Hendry and Glades Board Meeting, the Hendry County Emergency Services Council, and the Hendry Glades Homeless Coalition meetings this month. Trish served as a volunteer serving breakfast to the Homeless Coalition’s “Breakfast with the Easter Bunny” fundraiser. Trish also attended local Democrats monthly meeting and passed out flyers for CREW’s fundraiser. In addition she met with Marvin Hammentree the Disaster Coordinator from the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church and Bill Roy and Gricel Hernandez, Disaster Recovery Representatives from the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church. We toured three homes that have recently had volunteers work and they were able to meet the homeowners. The First United Methodist Church of Clewiston also hosted them for dinner when they came for an in kind donation of $21.00. Gricel Hernandez, Disaster Recovery Representative from the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church has been here 3 days a week since the beginning of the month helping our with case management. Trish has been hosting her at her house providing her place to sleep to save the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church’s money, as well as First United Methodist Church of Clewiston has been feeding her each Wednesday night for an in-kind of $21 for the meals, and approximately $100 for shelter. Trish and Renee also attended an event for individuals who donate to the United Way through payroll deduction, of which we both do. This is the first time CREW has been included as we had not prior been contributing though payroll deduction.

Trish hosted the St. Thomas United Methodist Church from Manassas Virginia’s volunteer group for dinner at her house and Chuck and his Wife hosted a fish fry for the group at the First United Methodist Church in Clewiston. This was their fourth trip to Clewiston to help repair homes.

4481.25 volunteer hours were clocked this quarter for an in-kind donation of $84023.44

Total cases 773 includes open, closed unassigned and referrals Total open cases 117

79 clients have been served in the months of January, February and March. We opened 8 new cases this quarter, completed and updated 71 recovery plans, and 8 more are pending documentation from client before they can be opened. For statistical information, that is requested note that:
v 38 are female.
v 41 are male
v 40 are Hispanic
v 27 are African American
v 12 are Caucasian
v 5 fall within ages of 20-29
v 13 fall within ages of 30-39
v 19 fall within ages of 40-49
v 22 fall within ages of 50-59
v 9 fall within ages of 60-69
v 8 fall within ages of 70-79
v 2 fall within ages of 80-89

42 cases were closed this month.
v 27 female
v 15 male
v 16 Hispanic
v 15 African American
v 11 Caucasian
v 9 fall within ages of 30-39
v 11 fall within ages of 40-49
v 12 fall within ages of 50-59
v 7 fall within ages of 60-69
v 3 fall with ages of 70-79
v 6 were referred to another agency
v 24 had needs met by CREW
v 11 refused services
v 1 had needs met by themselves


Two individual Baptist volunteers from Virginia the week of February 1, 2008 through February 7, 2008 come and help make some repairs to M. G. with drywall, installing doors, and windows, working in the office to help with some filing and general office duties. They stayed in their RV at the Wayside Park owned by Hendry County. The assisted with 65 hours for a total in kind donation of $1202.50. The First United Methodist Church of Clewiston provided two meals for this group for a total in kind donation of $14.00.

On February 18, 2008 we had a volunteer donate 2.75 hours for a total in kind donation of $51.56. This volunteer is from the New Harvest Pentecostal Church. He worked on laying on the stakes for the pad for P. H.

We have also been blessed with the assistance from the CRWRC who has a contingent of volunteers in Palm Beach County who have sent some of the extra volunteers to help us with our repairs. We had six volunteers come and help on three homes. They worked on flooring and completed the repairs for I. F., they completed a roof repair and drywall, a sink repair and countertop for B. G., this group did drywall, molding and a roof vent repairs. They donated a total of 553 hours for an in kind donation of $10,368.75.

CRWRC has also sent a group of four volunteers for the week of February 25, 2008 through February 29, 2008, they have worked a total of 56 hours for a total in kind donation of $1050.00, and this group has worked on installing screens for E. Dunkley and replacing drywall for C. K. This group will also be working for the next two weeks on several other projects.

Manassas St. Thomas United Methodist Church from Virginia sent 23 volunteers this time to help with the house that we are currently building for P. H. This group was so large that we split them in to two groups. One group worked on the house, framing and sheathing, they have installed the trusses and will possibly be working on installing the windows and doors by Friday. The other half of this group have been working at A. B., replacing the roof and repairing the siding and skirting. This group stayed at the First United Methodist Church of Clewiston. The Methodist Church provided a meal as well. The Community Presbyterian Church also provided a meal while the group was here. Chuck and Sally Hager provided a meal on Tuesday for the group. This group worked a total of 1157.5 hours for a total in kind donation of $21703.10. The meals provided total an in kind donation of $630.00. The housing totals an in kind donation of $460.00. This group donated a total of $200.00 cash to CREW as well.

We have also helped CRWRC keep some volunteers who are working in Palm Beach County busy for this month. We had a group of 4 volunteers 3 men and 1 woman, come and work at B. W.’s house installing and finishing drywall throughout the house. This group of volunteers was from various places (Kansas, Ontario and Michigan). This group also worked at E. D. installing some new screens on the windows, for C. K. repairing a leaking roof and repairing some interior drywall. They also completed the ceiling drywall repair and painting for A.B., they relocated some insulation for R. W. in the attic and repaired and painted some drywall for D. C. This group worked a total of 252 hours for an in kind donation of $4725.00. This group worked here for three weeks (Feb. 23-March 15).

On March 1, 2008 St. Luke Lutheran Church sent a group of 8 male volunteers. This group of highly skilled men worked on the house we are building for P. H. They completed framing, sheeting the roof, adding shingles and completing siding on the entire house. They also installed 9 windows and the 2 exterior doors. This group contributed a total of 647 hours for an in kind donation of $12131.25. They were hosted by the Community Presbyterian Church who also fed the group for an in kind donation of $56.00. The First United Methodist Church also fed this group for an in kind donation of $56.00.

On March 8, 2008 Lutheran Laymen’s League came from North Dakota to work on the rebuild, unfortunately this did not happen due to contractors not passing inspections on their work. So, we had this group work on four other projects. This group consisted of 6 men and 1 woman. The group began working at Brenda West’s home tearing out old flooring and installing new underlay, they also installed new drywall on the ceiling throughout the house; they also sent a few to work on flooring underlay for R. V. The group sent a couple of the group to tie up some loose ends for L. P. to help get a final inspection to pass, and then went to work at B. J.’s house, installing new cabinets and replacing drywall in the ceiling there as well. This group donated a total of 591 hours for an in kind donation of $11081.25. They were hosted by the First Baptist Church and First United Methodist Church fed the group one night for an in kind donation of $49.00. The Community Presbyterian Church also fed this group for an in kind donation of $49.00.

CRWRC sent another group the week of March 17 – March 19. The group consisted of 2 men and 2 women. The group worked finishing drywall and painting for B. J. This group was also from several different places (Ontario, Michigan and Colorado). They worked a total of 56 hours for an in kind donation of $1050.00.

On March 15, 2008 Covenant United Methodist Church sent a group of 9 volunteers from Port Orange, Florida. This group was hoping to work on the rebuild; unfortunately this did not work out again, due to contractors failing inspections. We put the group in to complete the ceiling repairs and painting for B. W., They worked all week and have completed all the drywall repairs and painting. They worked a total of 349 hours for an in kind donation of $6543.75. This group was hosted by First United Methodist Church of Clewiston, who also fed them on two different occasions for an in kind donation of $98.00. The group consisted of 5 men, 3 women, and 1 youth.


One of our biggest undertakings this quarter was our 2nd rebuild. We are doing this for Pam. Pam is a 53 year old woman who works for Southern Gardens and has been there many years. She also does some cleaning for extra money. In addition to all this, she volunteers at local agencies regularly. Hurricane Wilma picked up Pam's mobile home and twisted it. Pam was inside the home during the storm and began to screw the wall back in as the storm was barreling down and ripping her home apart. After the Storm, she was told to leave, but she had no where to go, so she stayed where she was. Just prior to the storm, her insurance company cancelled her policy, because she failed to have "hand rails" on her porch. FEMA gave her $2600.00. She used the money to repair the water system and set the trailer back on the blocks. Pam has multiple medical problems, and the mold in her home was adding to her issues. Only one room in the trailer was livable, so she moved all her belongings into that one room. She has been living, eating and sleeping in her living room ever since. CREW received funds from CRWRC, UMCOR and is still raising funds to rebuild this home. The concrete slab was poured and then volunteers began working on it from the St. Thomas United Methodist Church group this in February. More volunteers worked on it throughout the quarter and we hope to have it completed soon.

Brenda is 57 year old white single mother a single mom raising her three bi-racial children as well as two of her grandchildren. Brenda’s trailer was severely damaged by Hurricane Wilma and the $2000.00 she received from FEMA was not enough. She is a seasonal farm worker and is very low income. The remaining repairs are about $5590.00, we received funds from the local Rotary to hire Bryant Roofing to come and repair her roof, volunteers from Covenant United Methodist Church came and repaired interior damage, walls, floors, ceilings, removing mildew and painting with funds donated by the Rotary and Catholic Charities.

Another client helped was Brenda, an African American 57 year old female who has lived in Clewiston over 34 years with her family. She lives with her daughter and son-in-law. She has worked in the Bakery in Wal-mart for the past 8 years. Hurricane Wilma destroyed her roof, inside ceiling, floors, 2 doors, and 3 windows. She had no home insurance when the storm hit as she could not afford it. She applied with FEMA who gave her $4000 which she used to repair her roof, generator and buy food. We sent volunteers several volunteer groups including Covenant United Methodist Church this quarter to help them and bought the $1600 in materials needed.
My heart was truly overwhelmed when CREW received the following thank you letter from Anna. Anna is a 40 year old Mexican woman that lives with her disabled cancer stricken husband and three children. Their home was severely damaged, more than the $600 they received from FEMA could address. They needed a new roof, new siding, flooring window and skirting replacement. Volunteers from CRWRC and St. Thomas Methodist Church in Manassas, Virginia came and repaired her home with donated funds from CRWRC and other sources. Here is the letter she wrote in response to the work our volunteers did. I also included pictures of the volunteers working on her home.

To whom it may Concern,

I'm writing this letter today in gratitude. Words cannot express what appreciation my heart fills in this moment. Everyone of us works towards a single goal in life, but as parents, we work mostly to provide a roof over the heads of members of our family. For years I have done just that! Work, work, work to maintain our home. Then devastation appeared. Hurricane Wilma came through our town and destroyed what peace we had. I came home that October and felt like my dream had been shattered. My roof was missing. Most of what I worked so hard for was destroyed. Still, my family and I tried to pick up the pieces and continue on with life. We did as much repairs as we could do, we were trying to save money so we could hire professionals. As the saying goes, "When it rains, it pours!" That's exactly how it seemed. On January 3rd 2007 my husband and I received the news that he had cancer. Suddenly there was doctor visits, hospital visits and specialists to see! Slowly what money we had saved to fix our home was spent to take care of my husband. My husband made it, he beat the cancer. Our roof was there but it failed to perform its duty. With no money to fix it, I turned to CREW. I explained my situation and then waited for an answer. The one I got was completely unexpected. Not only would they fix my roof but it would be at no cost to me. What a blessing!! Things were starting to look up. March of 2008, volunteers from CREW showed up at my house with supplies in hand. There it began, they started fixing my roof. More surprise was when they asked to come inside to see the repaired needed there. They fixed walls, windows and doors! They did it all. I just wanted to write this letter and say thank you. Thank you for repairing the roof! Thank you for fixing the floor. Thank you for repairing the walls and windows. Thank you for repairing the doors in our house. But mostly thank you for repairing my Dream! You gave me back what the hurricane took away. I thank CREW and those who volunteered for CREW. I don't know what I would have done without you. You are all angels!

God Bless you, Anna and Family

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

CREW's March monthly report


CREW volunteers and staff sprang into action this month. Volunteers worked all month and staff began planning for the upcoming fundraising dinner. With spring in the air we attacked the remaining Hurricane Wilma damaged and destroyed homes with new energy.

We also said farewell to two employees whose grants ended March 31st. Our Mitigation Coordinator, whom we expected to loose as well, will stay part time for at least another 30 days.

Although we are no longer funded to help with the FEMA close out project, we have continued to do so. We are still trying to find funding for three clients we had hoped to get from the City but have been unable to do so. We still have had no answer to phone calls, letters or emails to the City of Clewiston of FEMA. Board Members have agreed to follow through with this with the City, and Trish is following up with FEMA.

On March 1, 2008 St. Luke Lutheran Church ( in Federal Way, Washington sent a group of 8 highly skilled male volunteers who worked on the house we are building for Pamela. They completed framing, sheeting the roof, adding shingles and completing siding on the entire house. They also installed 9 windows and the 2 exterior doors. This group contributed a total of 647 hours for an in kind donation of $12131.25. They were hosted by the Community Presbyterian Church who also fed the group for an in kind donation of $56.00. The First United Methodist Church also fed this group for an in kind donation of $56.00.
On March 8, 2008 the Lutheran Laymen’s League ( returned from North Dakota to work on the rebuild, unfortunately this did not happen due to contractors not passing inspections on their work. So, we had this group work on four other projects. This group consisted of 6 men and 1 woman. The group began working at Brenda W’s home tearing out old flooring and installing new underlay, they also installed new drywall on the ceiling throughout the house; they also sent a few to work on flooring underlay for Rafael. The group sent a couple of the group to tie up some loose ends for Leopold to help get a final inspection to pass, and then went to work at Brenda J’s house, installing new cabinets and replacing drywall in the ceiling there as well. This group donated a total of 591 hours for an in kind donation of $11081.25. In addition, the donated plumbing parts for one family valued at $50.00. They were hosted by the First Baptist Church and First United Methodist Church fed the group one night for an in kind donation of $49.00. The Community Presbyterian Church also fed this group for an in kind donation of $49.00.

We have also helped CRWRC ( keep some volunteers busy who are working in Palm Beach County this month. We had a group of 4 volunteers 3 men and 1 woman, come and worked at B. West’s house installing and finishing drywall throughout the house. This group of volunteers was from various places (Kansas, Ontario and Michigan). This group also worked at Eunice’s installing some new screens on the windows, for Cynthia’s repairing a leaking roof and repairing some interior drywall. They also completed the ceiling drywall repair and painting for Ana, they relocated some insulation for Robbie in the attic and repaired and painted some drywall for Debra. This group worked a total of 252 hours for an in kind donation of $4725.00. This group worked here for three weeks (Feb. 23-March 15).

CRWRC sent another group the week of March 17 – March 19. The group consisted of 2 men and 2 women. The group worked finishing drywall and painting for Brenda J. This group was also from several different places (Ontario, Michigan and Colorado). They worked a total of 56 hours for an in kind donation of $1050.00.

On March 15, 2008 Covenant United Methodist Church ( sent a group of 9 volunteers from Port Orange, Florida. This group was hoping to work on the rebuild; unfortunately this did not work out again, due to contractors failing inspections. We put the group in to complete the ceiling repairs and painting for Brenda W. They worked all week and have completed all the drywall repairs and painting. They worked a total of 349 hours for an in kind donation of $6543.75. This group was hosted by First United Methodist Church of Clewiston, who also fed them on two different occasions for an in kind donation of $98.00. The group consisted of 5 men, 3 women, and 1 youth.

We had a total of 32 volunteers from 4 groups this month work 1895 volunteers hours for an in kind donation valued at $35,531.25. The meals the churches provided to theses groups adds up to a total in kind donation of $308.00.

As of March 31st in Hendry County 62 cases have been assigned to case managers who have updated recovery plans in all of these cases. There are 15 cases assigned to a case manager that are pending documentation before they are officially opened.

In Glades County, 9 cases have been assigned to case managers and 7 of these have updated recovery plans completed or in the process of completion. There are 3 cases assigned to a case manager that are pending documentation before they are officially opened.

In March 18 cases have been closed in Hendry County, with all clients’ needs being met or client’s refusal of services. 1 case in Glades County has been closed. To date there are 0 unassigned cases in Hendry and Glades County.

This department currently has 2 full time and 2 half time case managers that are reviewing case information. Case managers are contacting clients to get needed documentation as quickly as possible. We have 71 total open cases and 18 more not currently opened because they are pending documentation.

Since March of last year, C.R.E.W. has been working with FEMA, Hendry County, and the City of Clewiston to find suitable housing solutions for FEMA clients still housed in FEMA units as of April 24, 2004. Originally, FEMA gave C.R.E.W. a list of 65 families whom FEMA believed would be in need of additional assistance. Additionally, the city of Clewiston supplied a list of approximately 20 other families residing in FEMA mobile homes on non conforming lots inside Clewiston City Limits. Of these cases, C.R.E.W. was able to help the majority of these families find permanent housing solutions. We were able to close one more of them in March. We have been unable to close 22 of these cases. Three of these are in need of funding that we expected but did not receive. The rest are either waiting on permits, in the process of being set up, or waiting for the families to raise the money needed to transfer their titles.

Our construction coordinator has assessed 10 homes. He supervised and assisted in getting needed materials and having jobs lined up for the volunteers mentioned above. The work they did included drywall, electrical repair, flooring, plumbing, framing, windows, and door installation, porch repair, siding, siding repair, installing cabinets, painting, trim carpentry and roof repair. The total cost of the projects done by volunteers was $8,039.44.

We received in kind donations this month as well. We received a box of nails fro the Manassas VA group, a mattress and box spring from a member of the FUMC in Clewiston, paint from two clients to use on their houses, and a giant tarp from a client. The total value of the in kind donations was $275.00.

Clewiston Families that received FEMA trailers held an appreciation dinner at the La Hacienda Restaurant in Clewiston. It was hosted by Reverend Benjamin Escorcia of Iglesia De Dios Pentecostal church. They presented a certificate of appreciation to CREW. FEMA also received a certificate of appreciation, one of their staff members, Elamaris Fernandez was moved to tears related that in all their years of service she could not recall any other community thanking FEMA for their service before.

Trish and Renee attended the Disaster Donations Management Training, Florida VOAD Meeting and ESF 15 Coordinators Meeting in Tallahassee this month. Trish, along with the other officers of the Florida VOAD received a plaque of appreciate from Alex Amparo, Director of Emergency Management from Volunteer Florida and the State Emergency Response Team (SERT). While their, Trish was also able to present some appreciation awards that we have been holding on to for a while to Danielle Kearney from Lutheran Disaster Resources Reverend Karen Thomas from the United Church of Christ. During this time, back in Clewiston, Imelda attended the local Family Services Network meeting and Anthony traveled to Ft. Myers to attend a meeting for agencies requesting funding from the United Way. Trish also attended a United Way of Lee, Hendry and Glades Board Meeting, the Hendry County Emergency Services Council, and the Hendry Glades Homeless Coalition meetings this month. Trish served as a volunteer serving breakfast to the Homeless Coalition’s “Breakfast with the Easter Bunny” fundraiser. Trish also attended local Democrats monthly meeting and passed out fliers for CREW’s fundraiser. In addition she met with Marvin Hammentree the Disaster Coordinator from the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church and Bill Roy and Gricel Hernandez, Disaster Recovery Representatives from the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church. We toured three homes that have recently had volunteers work and they were able to meet the homeowners. The First United Methodist Church of Clewiston also hosted them for dinner when they came for an in kind donation of $21.00. Gricel Hernandez, Disaster Recovery Representative from the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church has been here 3 days a week since the beginning of the month helping our with case management. Trish has been hosting her at her house providing her place to sleep to save the Conference’s money, as well as FUMC of Clewiston has been feeding her each Wednesday night for an in-kind of $21 for the meals, and approximately $100 for shelter. Trish and Renee also attended an event for individuals who donate to the United Way through payroll deduction, of which we both do. This is the first time CREW has been included as we had not prior been contributing though payroll deduction.

CRWRC has been here non stop since the beginning of February, sending volunteers 5 days a week every week, however, we had to say farewell to them at the end of this month. They originally canvassed our area and provided CREW with damage assessments right after the storm in 2005. Since then they have sent funding and volunteers to help us continue our mission. We also presented them with a certificate of appreciation this month as well.

As far as our mitigation program, in the month of March we had a total of 21 new applicants for mitigation. There are 100 clients entered in the Hurricane Relief Database and this completes the contract amount. CREW has received 6 more inspection reports, and 5 have been given to Cat 5 to complete. CREW is now awaiting only 14 more inspection reports to complete the contracted amount. There are now 68 homes complete and 18 are in progress. CREW will continue in its effort to mitigate 100 or more homes in the Hendry and Glades Counties.

We currently have $48,360.69 in the bank. We deposited $33,284.45 this month. Our expenses this month were $90,502.79. In-kind donations this month as described above total $36,806.25. We have $50 in the 2nd annual fundraiser account, -$2156.57 in the CRWRC account, $0 in the FEMA, GALA, Lutheran, NFL, Rotary and VFF3 accounts, $3,968.63 in general, -$49,041.55 in the Mitigation account, $5,726.34 in the PDA account, and $64,698.31 in the UMCOR account.

We are working on our 2nd annual fundraising dinner on April 26th; we need donations for the silent auction, and help finding corporate sponsors, and selling tickets. We have received a piece of handmade stained glass (valued at $50), $500 gift certificate for services at Hendry Regional, and several other businesses and individuals have made commitments to donate items for the silent auction. We have received payment for two individuals and one corporate table. We need addresses, personal contacts and organizations that we should send invitations too. By the end of March we had sent out 357 invitations, 169 by email, 175 by regular mail, and 20 were hand delivered personally by Trish.

We receive word that PDA will not be funding an administrative position as we had hoped. However, they are funding some of our administrative expenses.

Our LTRO (Long Term Recovery Organization) and Unmet Needs meeting is on the 4th Thursdays of the month. This month we presented eight new cases and tabled them until funding can be found. We also reviewed 25 open cases and closed 10 cases. One case scheduled to be closed we agreed to keep open and provide case management and advocacy for as she applies for housing assistance through other local agencies.

Our Board of Directors meeting is on the Monday of the prior week. Both meetings are held at Hendry Regional Medical Center. This month we met and set prices for the tickets for the fundraiser.

One issue we have been unable to resolve, due to the failure of the City Manger and FEMA to return our phone calls, emails and letters is the FEMA trailers in Clewiston. I felt it important to include how much work has been done by CREW and their partners to help resolve this. 5 full time case managers were hired for 6 months in addition to our regular staff to work on these cases, gather information, assist families in completing application for agencies offering to help, finding funding partners, volunteers and contractors to work on these cases, as well as jumping through the hoops, meetings and other requirements that FEMA placed on us, such as daily phone meetings and weekly unmet needs meetings. This funding ended in December, yet our dedication and commitment to the clients has not as we have continued to advocate for our clients, even referring them to legal assistance when they were threatened legally.

Since March of 2007, C.R.E.W. has been working with FEMA, Hendry County, and the City of Clewiston to find suitable housing solutions for FEMA clients still housed in FEMA units as of April 24, 2004. I felt it necessary to note the following totals to show how many different agencies (through our advocacy) have contributed to families in FEMA trailer that are working with CREW. These numbers represent goods and services paid for by these agencies for direct assistance to the families in an effort to move from FEMA temporary housing to permanent solutions. Note these amounts do not include money for staff or costs of case managing all these cases. The money noted below is only for direct good and services to provide permanent housing solutions.
Hendry and Glades County total amount spent $325,705.7734
v Red Cross Means to Recovery Program $156,492.58
v CRWRC $64,715.22
v United Church of Christ $6,231.50
v Volunteer Florida Foundation $49,155.39
v Rotary $9,233.86
v Catholic Charities $6262.55
v UMCOR $7776.38
v Empowerment Alliance $4750.80
v Good Shepherd Lutheran $2,750.00
v NFL/United Way $15,242.11
v Grace United Methodist Church $200
v First United Methodist Church of Clewiston $778.95
v Other private donors $1075.00
v United Way of Lee Hendry and Glades $150

We need volunteers who can help repair homes, but also need volunteers to assist in the office, as well to help work booths at the upcoming fairs and festivals throughout Hendry and Glades Counties. We are currently in need of a shredder that can handle the amount of shredding necessary to keep our clients information confidential. We desperately need a shredder and a volunteer to help shred the back load of paperwork, since our shredder died.
You can also help by simply shopping through the iGive portal and registering CREW as your charity of choice. Simply visit the link below to do so.

Donations can be sent to 352 W. Arcade Ave., Clewiston, Florida 33440. We are a registered non-profit and donations are tax deductible. Call Renee to volunteer at (863) 983-2390.

Visit our blog site to learn more about what we are up to and to see pictures.

Please feel free to check out our calendar of events to see when volunteers are coming and find out what our staff members are up to!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Breakfast with the Easter Bunny!
The Hendry Glades Homeless Coalition hosted a Breakfast with the Easter Bunny on March 22nd.

It was a fun and joyful event to benefit the homeless mission throughout Hendry and Glades Counties in Barron Park , LaBelle

Our own CREW Executive Direcotor assisted in planning and helped serve breakfast. It was a great success that resulted in money raised for the homeless coalition as well as Happy Kids who left well fed after a great visit with the Easter Bunny and some left with prizes from the raffle as well.

This event was possible thanks to the hard work the Homeless Coalition is doing as well as the following sponsors:

Florida Community Bank

Badcock Furnishings & More

Labelle Rotary

City of Labelle


Winn Dixie

Carreer and Service Centers

Mary Bartoshuk



Langford Ford

Family Eye Care

Pistol Pete's

Ace Hardware

Bank of America

Methodists help Disaster Victims!

Click on the links below to read about how CREW, United Methodists and others are helping to continue to provide assistance to those affected by Hurricane Wilma and other disasters.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Community Rebuilding Ecumenical Workforce
Presents its
2nd Annual Fundraising Dinner
A Barbeque to benefit CREW, helping the community recover from Hurricane Wilma and prepare for future disasters. We will also recognize our big funders.
Saturday, April 26th 4pm to 8pm
At First United Methodist Church
310 W. Osceola Ave., Clewiston, Fl 33440
Please RSVP by: 04/23/08 at (863) 983-2390

This will be a celebration of Florida Resiliency in the face of disaster. CREW with their partners wants to celebrate all the giving that has come from local sources and across the nation to help our two rural communities survive. There would be a: Silent Auction, Dessert Auction, Cake Walk, Barbecue Ribs, Corn on the Cob, Hayrides, Games for kids, and a arts and crafts table for the kids. For a complete schedule, visit our website at:
$25 individual ticket (13 & over) X______= ____
$50 couple X______= ____
$75 family ticket X______= ____
Corporate VIP tables 8 tickets
$150 Red X______= ______
$200 White X______= ______
$250 Blue X______= ______
$500 Stars and Stripes X______= ______
(Special recognition certificate)
I cannot attend but please accept my tax deductible donation of $______
Name/Organization: _____________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________

Make Checks payable to CREW

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Testimonial from Hurricane Wilma Survivor

My heart was truly overwhelmed when CREW received the following thank you letter from Anna. Anna is a 40 year old Mexican woman that lives with her disabled cancer stricken husband and three children. Their home was severely damaged, more than the $600 they received from FEMA could address. They needed a new roof, new siding, flooring window and skirting replacement.

Volunteers from CRWRC and St. Thomas Methodist Church in Manassas, Virginia came and repaired her home with donated funds from CRWRC and other sources.

Here is the letter she wrote in response to the work our volunteers did. I also included pictures of the volunteers working on her home.

To whom it may Concern,

I'm writing this letter today in gratitude. Words cannot express what appreciation my heart fills in this moment. Everyone of us works towards a single goal in life, but as parents, we work mostly to provide a roof over the heads of members of our family. For years I have done just that! Work, work, work to maintain our home. Then devastation appeared. Hurricane Wilma came through our town and destroyed what peace we had. I came home that October and felt like my dream had been shattered. My roof was missing. Most of what I worked so hard for was destroyed. Still, my family and I tried to pick up the pieces and continue on with life. We did as much repairs as we could do, we were trying to save money so we could hire professionals. As the saying goes, "When it rains, it pours!" That's exactly how it seemed. On January 3rd 2007 my husband and I received the news that he had cancer. Suddenly there was doctor visits, hospital visits and specialists to see! Slowly what money we had saved to fix our home was spent to take care of my husband. My husband made it, he beat the cancer. Our roof was there but it failed to preform its duty. With no money to fix it, I turned to CREW. I explained my situation and then waited for an an answer. The one I got was completely unexpected. Not only would they fix my roof but it would be at no cost to me. What a blessing!! Things were starting to look up. March of 2008, volunteers from CREW showed up at my house with supplies in hand. There it began, they started fixing my roof. More surprise was when they asked to come inside to see the repaired needed there. They fixed walls, windows and doors! They did it all. I just wanted to write this letter and say thank you. Thank you for repairing the roof! Thank you for fixing the floor. Thank you for repairing the walls and windows. Thank you for repairing the doors in our house. But mostly thank you for repairing my Dream! You gave me back what the hurricane took away. I thank CREW and those who volunteered for CREW. I don't know what I would have done without you. You are all angels!

God Bless you, Anna and Family

Monday, March 17, 2008

Volunteers build new home and repair old ones from Hurricane Wilma!

Volunteers continue to come from accross the country to rural South Florida to volunteer their time to help rebuild and repair homes.

CRWRC has been here non stop since February, sending volunteers 5 days a week every week, however, we had to say farewell to them this week. We were able to show them our appreciate however for all they have done. They originally canvassed our area and provided CREW with damage assessments right after the storm in 2005. Since then they have sent funding and volunteers to help us continue our mission. Pictured here are volunteers from CRWRC that came this month to help repair homes not only in our area but in the Western Palm Beach area as well. This is a picture of our director handing them a plaque of appreciation for all they have done.

St. Lukes Lutheran Church from Washington State came as well, they came and helped finish the outside of our rebuild (see story in previous posts), and while waiting on inspections and local contractors to catch up with electrical and plumbing, they helped repair Hurricane damage in Brenda's home.

Lutheran Layman's League from North Dakota came to work on the rebuild, but do to problems with contractors they instead helped repair Brenda L , Raphael, and Brenda J's homes.

Covenant United Methodist Church from Port Orange Florida came and helped repair Brenda's home.

Once again, CREW thanks its partners, CRWRC, UMCOR, PDA, UCC, and The Rotary who gave us the financial backing to hire and pay staff members, buy supplies and manage volunteers this month. We also thank our partners who help us host the volunteers by feeding them and providing them a place to stay. God Bless the First United Methodist Church of Clewiston and Moorehaven, Community Presbyterian Church, and the local Pentecostal Church for housing and feeding our volunteers.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

United Way Rocks!

FORT MYERS, Fla. (March 12, 2008) – United Way of Lee Hendry and Glades announced at the Red Sox vs. Twins game at Hammond Stadium that local residents and companies contributed $7,600,332 to create real and lasting solutions to critical local issues. This surpasses the goal announced in June of $7.2 million and is a 10% increase over the amount raised last year. This is the 10th year in a row that residents and companies have come together to produce a double digit increase in giving. This makes our community’s United Way the number one United Way for campaign increases in the entire nation over the past decade.
"Throughout this campaign, I have repeatedly heard how much people value United Way and the results being achieved," stated Scott Edmonds, 2007-2008 United Way Campaign Chair and Chairman, President and CEO of Chico’s FAS. "The community has placed its trust in United Way and their network of partner agencies and initiatives to help the most people in the most efficient and effective way possible. I want to thank all of you who contributed and I promise you that your gift is going to improve the quality of life for the people of our community!”
"We are very proud to be part of a caring and generous community," said Cliff Smith, President of United Way of Lee, Hendry and Glades. “We are pleased that we will not only be able to fully fund our 70 partner agencies, but we will be able to support them with additional funds so that they can help even more of our friends, neighbors, families and co-workers right here in our community.”
Sarah Owen, Director of Community Cooperative Ministries, a United Way Partner, is
delighted with the news. “United Way funding is crucial to our program. The fact that United
Way has achieved their fundraising goal during these slow economic times gives all of us in human services the confidence that we will be able to provide the critical services that our community needs.”
Since the inception of United Way in 1957, 80 million dollars have been raised in our community. All money raised in the United Way campaign stays in the local community to help support the local human service network. United Way partner agencies and initiatives like Alvin A Dubin Alzheimer’s Resource Center, Children’s Advocacy Center, Big Brothers Big Sisters, LARC and United Way 211 serve a diverse range of needs in our community such as nurturing children and youth, strengthening families, meeting critical needs such as helping the elderly and disabled live independently, and empowering communities by bringing health and human services to neighborhoods.
In addition to raising funds for human service organizations in our community, the United Way promotes partnerships and collaborations among agencies and initiatives, helping them to work together focusing on issues and solutions that continue to improve lives.
2007 marked the organization’s 50th anniversary. The United Way of Lee, Hendry and Glades has been “the way the community cares” since it was established in 1957. For more information please call United Way of Lee, Hendry and Glades at (239) 433-2000 or visit

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

CREW's Februrary Monthly Report

Love was in abundance this February, from donors to volunteers, CREW found lots of groups and individuals to show their love to our rural community this month.

Our LTRO (Long Term Recovery Organization) and Unmet Needs meeting is on the 4th Thursdays of the month. Our Board of Directors meeting is on the Monday of the prior week. Both meetings are held at Hendry Regional Medical Center.

Although we are no longer funded to help with the FEMA close out project, we have continued to do so. We are still trying to find funding for three clients we had hoped to get from the City but have been unable to do so.

Volunteers continue to be our greatest resource. Two individual Baptist volunteers (not here as part of a mission from any particular church) came from Virginia for the week of February 1, 2008 through February 7, 2008 to help make some repairs to Maria with drywall, installing doors, and windows, working in the office to help with some filing and general office duties. They stayed in their RV at the Wayside Park owned by Hendry County, who generously lets our volunteers stay there free of charge, valued at $100 for the week. The assisted with 65 hours for a total in kind donation of $1202.50. The First United Methodist Church of Clewiston provided two meals for this group for a total in kind donation of $14.00.

On February 18, 2008 we had a volunteer donate 2.75 hours for a total in kind donation of $51.56. This volunteer is from the New Harvest Pentecostal Church. He worked on laying down the stakes for the pad for Pam, the client we are doing a total rebuild for.

CRWRC Disaster Response Services ( continues to send volunteers this month. They have a large group of volunteers in Palm Beach County helping out the Hurricane Wilma victim in the Western part of the county. They have an overflow of volunteers who are helping us with our repairs. They sent six volunteers to come and help on three homes. They worked on flooring and completed the repairs for Iris. They completed a roof repair and drywall, a sink repair and counter top for Bernadette. This group did drywall; molding and a roof vent repairs for Debra. They donated a total of 553 hours for an in kind donation of $10,368.75.

CRWRC has also sent a group of four volunteers to work on installing screens for Eunice and replacing drywall for Cynthia during the week of February 25, 2008 through February 29, 2008, they have worked a total of 56 hours for a total in kind donation of $1050.00, This group will also be working for the next two weeks on several other projects.

Manassas St. Thomas UMC
from Virginia teamed up with Creekside United Methodist Church in Cummings Georgia sent 23 volunteers this time to help with the house that we are currently building for Pam. They were also here in November. This group was so large that we split them in to two groups. One group worked on the house, framing and sheathing, they have installed the trusses and will possibly be working on installing the windows and doors by Friday. The other half of this group have been working at Ana, replacing the roof and repairing the siding and skirting. This group stayed at the First United Methodist Church of Clewiston. The Methodist Church provided a meal as well. The Community Presbyterian Church also provided a meal while the group was here. Trish provided a meal for 3 volunteers for a total of $21.00 in kind donations. Chuck and Sally Hager provided a meal on Tuesday for the group. This group worked a total of 1211 hours for a total in kind donation of $22706.25. The meals provided total an in kind donation of $609.00. The housing totals an in kind donation of $460.00. This group donated a total of $200.00 cash to CREW as well, and also donated money to the First United Methodist Church of Clewiston where they stayed.

As of February 29th in Hendry County 63 cases have been assigned to case managers who have updated recovery plans in all of these cases. There are 10 cases assigned to a case manager that are pending documentation before they are officially opened.

In Glades County, 10 cases have been assigned to case managers and 8 of these have updated recovery plans completed or in the process of completion. There are 3 cases assigned to a case manager that are pending documentation before they are officially opened.

In February 18 cases have been closed in Hendry County, with all clients’ needs being met or client’s refusal of services. In February 0 cases in Glades County have been closed. To date there are 3 unassigned cases in Hendry County. To date there is 1 unassigned case in Glades County.

This department currently has 2 full time and 2 half time case managers that are reviewing case information. Case managers are contacting clients to get needed documentation as quickly as possible. Total overall open cases: 73 Total not currently opened pending documentation: 18

Although we still work with The Empowerment Alliance of South West Florida we are no longer sharing a staff member or office space with them.

Since March of last year, C.R.E.W. has been working with FEMA, Hendry County, and the City of Clewiston to find suitable housing solutions for FEMA clients still housed in FEMA units as of April 24, 2004. Originally, FEMA gave C.R.E.W. a list of 65 families whom FEMA believed would be in need of additional assistance. Additionally, the city of Clewiston supplied a list of approximately 20 other families residing in FEMA mobile homes on non conforming lots inside Clewiston City Limits. Of these cases, C.R.E.W. was able to help the majority of these families find permanent housing solutions. We were able to close one of them in February. We have been unable to close 23of these cases. Three of these are in need of funding that we expected but did not receive. The rest are either waiting on permits, in the process of being set up, or waiting for the families to raise the money needed to transfer their titles.

Our construction coordinator has assessed 16 homes, 12 to assist Catholic Charities in the hopes that they can provide funding for the families. He supervised and assisted in getting needed materials and having jobs lined up for the volunteers mentioned above. The total cost of the projects done by volunteers was $6000 (not including the rebuild which should cost about $60,000 total).

We received in kind donations this month as well. We received a box of nails fro the Manassas VA group, a mattress and box spring from a member of the FUMC in Clewiston, paint from two clients to use on their houses, and a giant tarp from a client. The total value of the in kind donations was $275.00.

We also received word that we were approved for our PDA grant finally! We expect the first check soon.

This was a busy month; Trish attended the Build Your Mission training put on by Volunteer Florida Foundation and the Florida Institute of Government, as well as staff meetings at the United Way in Ft. Myers. Trish hosted the Manassas volunteer group for dinner at her house and Chuck and his Wife hosted a fish fry for the group at the Methodist Church in Clewiston. This was their fourth trip to Clewiston to help repair homes. Trish assisted the United Way booth and provided them with CREW Flyer's at the Swamp Cabbage Festival. Trish also submitted a grant request for $5000 to The Home Depot. Hilda attended the Small Business forum where owners were to discuss commercial insurance and the nuts and bolts of it hosted by Regional Director of the Florida Department of Financial Services, Mr. John Fischer. Trish also participated in Conference calls with VFF and Florida VOAD. Trish picked up donated mattress and box spring this month from a local “snow bird” couple that is old friends of CREW. Trish also assisted in preparation for and implementation of the Love Rocks fundraiser for Untied Way in Labelle at the Barron House, and donated left over orange juice from the event to the local FUMC in Clewiston. CREW presented 14 new cases, and provided updates on 33 cases at our Unmet Needs Meeting.

We currently have $159,678.75 in the bank ($113,187.03- less outstanding checks). We deposited $69,365.92 this month.

We are working on our 2nd annual fundraising dinner on April 26th; we need donations for the silent auction, and help finding corporate sponsors, and selling tickets. We have asked Wal-Mart for a donation of items for the silent auction and a corporate sponsorship, and they are taking it to their committee. I got a piece of handmade stained glass donated. We need address and organizations that we should send invitations too. We have also contacted Family Dollar and Cato’s as well.

We need volunteers who can help repair homes, but also need volunteers to assist in the office, as well to help work booths at the upcoming fairs and festivals throughout Hendry and Glades Counties. We are currently in need of a shredder that can handle the amount of shredding necessary to keep our clients information confidential. We desperately need a shredder and a volunteer to help shred the back load of paperwork, since our shredder died.
You can also help by simply shopping through the iGive portal and registering CREW as your charity of choice. Simply visit the link below to do so.

Donations can be sent to 352 W. Arcade Ave., Clewiston, Florida 33440. We are a registered non-profit and donations are tax deductible. Call Renee to volunteer at (863) 983-2390.

Visit our blog site to learn more about what we are up to and to see pictures.

Please feel free to check out our calendar of events to see when volunteers are coming and find out what our staff members are up to!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Help The American Red Cross in Glades County!

You can have your picture taken with the White Face Capuchin Monkey on March 12th, 2008 at 2:00 P.M. at Glades County Emergency Management Office.

Have your picture taken and help raise money for a great cause, the American Red Cross in Glades County!

5x7 $ 5.00
8x10 $10.00

Teamwork, our greatest accomplishment!

Last week and this week have been a time for CREW to recognize those that have helped us accomplish so much, as well as be recognized for working with others for the common goal of improving the lives of the those in our community.

Here is a picture of Pastor Thom Street, President of CREW, receiving a certificate of appreciation from the Red Cross which was presented to CREW at our monthly LTRO and Unmet Needs meeting for all of our efforts "in assisting the families, individuals and communities affected by Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma. The Red Cross has been and continues to be a great partner with CREW in helping meet the needs of our two rural counties.

Renee Mergott, Volunteer Coordinator for CREW and acting Case Manager Supervisor for CREW traveled with Trish Adams, Executive Director of CREW and Long Term Recovery Coordinator for Hendry and Glades County for the United Way of Lee, Hendry and Glades traveled to Tallahassee and Havana Florida for three day this week to attend the Florida Donations Portal Training, Florida VOAD meeting and ESF 15 meeting. While there, they were able to network with lots of partners in disaster recovery, such as Reverend Karen Thomas from United Church of Christ Disaster Services and Rick Heers from IHOPE.

At one point during our time in Tallahassee, CREW was finally able to catch up with Reverend Karen Thomas (pictured here with Trish Adams, Executive Director) from the United Church of Christ Disaster Relief Services. She has sent us numerous volunteer groups, as well as funded a number of our projects, you can read about them in previous posts. We have been trying to give her our appreciation of assistance since our big Fundraiser last year, and we were finally able to catch up with her, certificate in hand.

We were also able to catch up with Danielle Kearney from Lutheran Disaster Resources while in Tallahassee. LDR has been a great partner from the day CREW was formed. They helped teach us how to do what we do, provided us with software to do it, volunteers to accomplish and funds to help buy the materials needed to complete it. We had been waiting to give her her certificate of appreciate for a long time as well.

That night Renee and Trish left Tallahassee for Havana Florida, where we stayed at the Pat Thomas Law Enforcement Academy Barracks. The next day we networked with agencies and attended the Florida VOAD meeting where the Florida VOAD officers were presented with a plaque of appreciate from Alex Amparo, Director of Emergency Management from From Volunteer Florida and the State Emergency Response Team (SERT). Volunteer Florida